DELTARES is a Dutch national institute for applied geophysical, ecological and policy-related research and development applied to delta areas (marine, coastal, estuarine, and riverine). The primary aim of DELTARES is bringing together science and application by translating scientific knowledge into innovative solutions. DELTARES has a broad expertise in fields like hydrodynamics, hydro-ecological modelling, water quality, microbiology and aquatic eco(toxico)logy, and is involved in (integrated) research studies and projects in many marine water systems in relation to e.g. EU legislation (a.o. MSFD, WFD, North Sea Ministerial Conferences, OSPAR, and ICES). DELTARES develops innovative approaches and models for enhancing understanding of the current and future marine ecosystem functioning in relation to human activities and is active in various ecosystem-related assessments, integrated impact assessment frameworks and policy strategy developments at national and EU level. Furthermore, DELTARES has a long record of defining information, data-assimilation strategies, data sciences and developing data management and data dissemination tools.


Principal Investigator:

Ghada El Serafy is a Specialist and an expert on data sciences in ecosystem modelling and services. She is actively involved in the strategic research and developments within DELTARES and is an assistant professor in data assimilation and optimization in the Technical University of Delft. She has a broad experience in uncertainty analysis, sensitivity analysis and data assimilation related to marine environmental quality and ecosystem health as well as integrated monitoring and assessment methods. She supervises several doctoral degrees and masters of Science students. She leads several national and international projects in Earth Observation data sciences applications in different fields such as hydrodynamic, hydrological, groundwater quality, meteorology, surface water quality and ecological models. She is also leading several EU FP7 projects within DELTARES and participating in others dealing with ecosystem modelling and ecosystem services and the use of Earth Observation (VECTORS, COBIOS, CLEANSEA, MERMAID, ECOSTRESS, FAST).
Her role in Ecopotential is leader of the WP7 (Ecosystem services). She also contributes to WP3, WP4, WP6 and WP9.