STARLAB is an SME whose mission is to transform science into technologies with a profound positive impact on society. STARLAB’s areas of expertise fall within the fields of Earth Observation and Neuroscience. Our expertise in Earth Observation provides solutions and services through innovative technological products applied to the territory. Our expertise is based on the interpretation and processing of remote sensing data sources in order to obtain real, updated and detailed information over the Earth's surface with a proven track record of projects for the European Space Agency and the European Commission. In addition, STARLAB has a large capacity to integrate and make different data sources (EO and non EO data) interoperable to create integral products and services to answer specific customer/user needs.
Principal Investigator:
Elizabeth Gil-Roldán holds a BSc in Environmental Sciences from the University of East Anglia as well as a MSc in Marine and coastal resources management. She started her career in consulting at Pricewaterhouse Cooper in 2006, after which she went on to work at different public policy bodies (among which is the European Parliament) on different areas of EU policy (Fisheries, Agriculture, Rural Development, FP7-Research). She has been working extensively on different European projects in the fields of Environmental Sciences, Space and Security since 2009. In 2012, she joined STARLAB as a project manager and consultant in the Star2Earth business unit, contributing to different projects in the fields of Space, Environment and Marine Sciences, for a variety of clients (ESA, EC, etc.).
She participates in WP3, 4 and 5 of Ecopotential.