6-8 July 2017, Ceresole Reale, Italy
The Gran Paradiso National Park, within the LIFE+ BIOAQUAE and the LIFE+ Limnopirineus, is pleased to invite you to the International Meeting on the Conservation of High Mountain Lakes that will be held in Ceresole Reale (Torino, Italy) on 6-8 July 2017.
High mountain lakes host peculiar aquatic biota and are considered biodiversity reservoirs. Most high altitude lakes are endangered by several global, regional and local threats, and more specifically by introduced fish. This meeting will focus on the role of the Natura2000 sites and protected areas, on the recent research advances, and also on management strategies and specific experiences to achieve a long term conservation of high mountain lake ecosystems.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Michele Ottino, Rocco Tiberti (Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy), Alice Brambilla, Caterina Ferrari (Wildlife Science snc, Italy), Marc Ventura, Teresa Buchaca, Alexandre Miró (CEAB-CSIC, Catalonia, Spain), Quim Pou-Rovira (Sorelló, Catalonia, Spain).
Michele Ottino, Rocco Tiberti (Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy), Marc Ventura, Teresa Buchaca, Alexandre Miró (CEAB-CSIC, Catalonia, Spain), Quim Pou-Rovira (Sorelló, Catalonia, Spain), Michela Rogora (ISE-CNR, Italy), Antonello Provenzale (IGG-CNR, Italy), Giuseppe Bogliani (University of Pavia, Italy), Achaz von Hardenberg (University of Chester, UK)
Ruben Sommaruga (University of Innsbruck, Austria), Jaime Bosch (Museo Nacional de Sciensias Naturales, Spain), Marc Ventura (CEAB-CSIC, Catalonia, Spain), Michela Rogora (ISE-CNR, Italy), Roland Knapp - via Skype call (University of California Santa Barbara, USA).
(contact the organization to propose other topics)
Local and global threats - Alien species - Wastewater management in alpine areas - Natura2000 and alien species management - LIFE projects on High Mountain Lakes.
The scientific programme will include invited lectures, contributed talks and posters.
The tentative schedule of the meeting will be as follows:
• 5 July, 17.00-20.00 welcome and info point (Grand Hotel, Centro Visitatori Homo et Ibex);
• 6 July, 09.30-10.30 Opening of the meeting. 10:30 12.30, 14.30-17.30 Thematic sessions;
• 7 July, 09.30-12.30, 14.30-16.30 Thematic sessions. 16.30-18.30 Round table. 20.00 Social dinner;
• 8 July, 08.00-15.00 Excursion in the Gran Paradiso National Park and closing of the meeting.
The meeting is open to researchers, experts, managers and to everybody interested. Registration will be active until the day before the meeting, but deadline for submission of contributions is 6th JUNE 2017. Registration to the meeting is free, but participants have to pay their own meals and lodging expenses.
To register to the meeting please click here:
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Please get in touch with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any question