National Parks Austria ( & Hohe Tauern National Park ( are pleased to invite you to present your latest protected areas research at the 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, 2-4 November 2017.
The symposium will be held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Salzburg, Austria.
Call for contributions
We invite you to submit presentations for the themed sessions listed below, no later than 13 March 2017, online on Conference programme will be finalized by the end of June 2017.
Parks & People
a) Park objectives in transformation: What are parks for and why do we want them?
b) Integrated planning and management policies
c) Zoning in strategic planning and management of protected areas and their surroundings
d) Parks and people - reconciling park management with local and regional development
Parks & land use
e) Sustainable agriculture in protected areas
f) Protected areas governance and ecosystem services
g) Protected areas' landscapes as resources for human health and well-being
h) Protected forest areas - lessons learned from long-term research
Parks & management
i) Progress in long-term research and monitoring
j) Managing wildlife in and around protected areas
k) Conservation conflicts in protected areas
l) Human-wildlife conflict management and resolution
m) Bridging science and management in protected areas
Parks & biodiversity
n) Biodiversity shifts in a changing climate
o) Endemic species - a neglected biodiversity treasure
p) Biodiversity - conservation in protected areas
q) Wilderness and process dynamics
r) Ecological connectivity
Parks & water
s) Alpine headwaters and lakes
t) Fluvial landscapes in protected areas
u) The cryosphere in a warming climate