ESA Earth Observation Summer School

1-12 Aug 2016, ESRIN, Frascati (Rome), Italy

The European Space Agency (ESA) is inviting young researchers to join leading experts in Earth Observation, Modelling and Data Assimilation for keynote lectures, hands-on computing practical and poster sessions on the occasion of the 8th ESA EO Summer School. Applications can be made on-line at:



Valentino Castle, the ECOPOTENTIAL participants

The official Kick-off meeting of the European Union funded project ECOPOTENTIAL “Improving Future Ecosystem Benefits Through Earth Observations” was held from 25 to 28 June 2015, in Torino. ECOPOTENTIAL will be working towards the creation of a new unified framework for ecosystem studies and management of present and future protected areas (PA) through new modeling approaches and best use of Earth Observation (EO) and monitoring data.  ECOPOTENTIAL will contribute with new EO open-access ecosystem data services to ECOPERNICUS, and will use the most advanced technologies to improve future ecosystem benefits for humankind.

Following the KOM, a group of participants visited two alpine lakes inside Gran Paradiso National Park  (Lake Dres,  and Lake Trebecchi) , where research activities and biodiversity conservation actions are being carried on. These lakes, with their ecosystems, are included among the project study areas.

Lake Dres, field excursion



Nivolet Plain and Lake Trebecchi, field excursion.