
New ECOPOTENTIAL video "Earth Observation resources for protected area management"

There is a new video showing how we use remote sensing and modelling to protect natural landscapes within the project ECOPOTENTIAL. During the last years, we have developed different tools with and for conservation practitioners, as well as scientists. The video provides an overview over those tools and how they can be used, among them the Virtual Laboratory (VLAB), the Earth Observation Data for Ecosystem Monitoring tool ‘EODESM’ and the Protected Areas from Space browser. They will be part of the legacy of ECOPOTENTIAL, now that the project is drawing to a close, to support protected area management now and in the future.



What better way to understand this important Horizon 2020 project than a simple video? This handcrafted video explains our project through simple animations and a story involving Peter, a protected area manager, and Amy, an ECOPOTENTIAL scientist. The video will take you on a journey through the different ecosystems targeted by ECOPOTENTIAL, explain why and how Earth Observation is used to measure and monitor ecosystems and their services they provide, and how the project will ultimately benefit society.




This video describes one of the main outputs of the Project: the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory (VLAB). It is a cloud-based virtual platform enabling information access and knowledge generation for the ecosystem science community of practice, where users can access data and information on protected areas and related storylines.




A new open access publication of the ECOPOTENTIAL team introduces a novel framework for assessing climate change vulnerability tailored to freshwater ecosystems. The resulting indices were used to identify priority catchments that facilitate the development of climate change conservation management strategies. Check the video summary of the study, which participated to the Peer Prize for Climate!



Many ECOPOTENTIAL partners have attended and presented their research at GEO’s Fourteenth Plenary Meeting, took place from 23-27 October 2017 in Washington, DC, to explore the use and applications of Earth observations for the benefit of humankind.
ECOPOTENTIAL had its own corner hosted at the EUROGEOSS stand where 10 videos illustrating the many aspects of the ECOPOTENTIAL approach and results were continuously projected.
Here below, short videos are available. Enjoy the show!